Thursday, November 27, 2008

Strollers Buying Guide by Shopwiki

Posted by giel at 8:18 PM 0 comments

Shopwiki provide a variety of equipment daily. More Example is stroller for baby. It was useful when you were doing anything, with Baby Carriers this your baby could be carried by you at any time both when going out and when you were going on a trip anywhere.

This not yet so from what was given by ShopWiki, still gave various product the family and various equipment product. To get it made use of your time with visited ShopWiki periodically and at any time when you needed various thing in order to fulfills the need of the household and your family.

We can get stroller easily. Now If you want to get it, you can click here...Let's and happy shoping

Thursday, November 20, 2008

AVG 8.0.173

Posted by giel at 5:01 PM 3 comments

AVG Free Edition is the well-known antivirus protection tool. AVG Free is available free of charge to home users for the life of the product. Rapid virus database updates are available for the lifetime of the product, thereby providing the high level of detection capability that millions of users around the world trust to protect their computers. AVG Free is easy to use and will not slow your system down (low system resource requirements.

Highlights include automatic update functionality, the AVG Resident Shield, which provides real-time protection as files are opened and programs are run, free Virus Database Updates for the lifetime of the product, and AVG Virus Vault for safe handling of infected files.

Version 8.0.173 may include unspecified updates, enhancements, or bug fixes.
Download Here

Memo Share

Posted by giel at 4:41 PM 0 comments

Memeo Share extends your photo & video capabilities, allowing you to share your high-resolution images with the world (or, for the more subtle, just privately amongst friends). With Mac Memeo Share, you don't have to e-mail your photos one at a time.

You can even share your high-quality videos with your friends, no matter which operating system they use, Windows or Mac. Sharing all your photos and videos with Memeo Share is as simple as dragging and dropping. Plus, you'll never have to babysit uploads again. Sharing your photos and videos just got a whole lot easier.

Version 1.0.1092 may include unspecified updates, enhancements, or bug fixes.

Download Here...

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Cerita Sukses Bill Gates

Posted by giel at 3:59 PM 2 comments
Kesuksesan bukanlah hal yang susah didapatkan namun susah untuk dipahami. Apakah sebenarnya kesuksesan itu sendiri, bagaimana bisa dikatakan sukses, dan bagaimana meraih sukses adalah sesuatu yang bisa menjadi sebuah pertanyaan yang sangat bermakna untuk dimengerti jawabannya agar hidup dapat menjadi lebih baik yang tentunya diharapkan oleh banyak insan di dunia. Perlu rasanya kita mengintip sedikit profil seseorang yang amat terkenal di dunia komputer kususnya agar bertambah wawasan yang bermanfaat...

William Henry Gates III atau lebih terkenal dengan sebutan Bill Gates, lahir di Seattle, Washington pada tanggal 28 Oktober 1955. Ayah Bill, Bill Gates Jr., bekerja di sebuah firma hukum sebagai seorang pengacara dan ibunya, Mary, adalah seorang mantan guru. Bill adalah anak kedua dari tiga bersaudara. Sejak kecil Bill mempunyai hobi "hiking",bahkan hingga kini pun kegiatan ini masih sering dilakukannya bila ia sedang "berpikir".

Bill kecil mampu dengan mudah melewati masa Sekolah Dasar dengan nilai sangat memuaskan, terutama dalam pelajaran IPA dan Matematika. Mengetahui hal ini, orang tua Bill kemudian menyekolahkannya di sebuah sekolah swasta yang terkenal dengan pembinaan akademik yang baik, bernama LAKESIDE. Pada saat itu , Lakeside baru saja membeli sebuah komputer, dan dalam waktu seminggu, Bill Gates, Paul Allen dan beberapa siswa lainnya (sebagian besar nantinya menjadi programer pertama Microsoft) sudah menghabiskan semua jam pelajaran komputer untuk satu tahun.

Kemampuan komputer Bill Gates sudah diakui sejak dia masih bersekolah di Lakeside. Dimulai dengan meng-hack komputer sekolah, mengubah jadwal, dan penempatan siswa. Tahun 1968, Bill Gates, Paul Allen, dan dua hackers lainnya disewa oleh Computer Center Corp. untuk menjadi tester sistem keamanan perusahaan tersebut. Sebagai balasan, mereka diberikan kebebasan untuk menggunakan komputer perusahaan. Menurut Bill saat itu lah mereka benar- benar dapat "memasuki" komputer. Dan disinilah mereka mulai mengembangkan kemampuan menuju pembentukan Microsoft, 7 tahun kemudian.

Selanjutnya kemampuan Bill Gates semakin terasah. Pembuatan program sistem pembayaran untuk Information Science Inc, merupakan bisnis pertamanya. Kemudian bersama Paul Ellen mendirikan perusahaan pertama mereka yang disebut Traf-O-Data. Mereka membuat sebuah komputer kecil yang mampu mengukur aliran lalu lintas. Bekerja sebagai debugger di perusahaan kontraktor pertahanan TRW, dan sebagai penanggungjawab komputerisasi jadwal sekolah, melengkapi pengalaman Bill Gates.

Musim gugur 1973, Bill Gates berangkat menuju Harvard University dan terdaftar sebagai siswa fakultas hukum. Bill mampu mengikuti kuliah dengan baik, namun sama seperti ketika di SMA, perhatiannya segera beralih ke komputer. Selama di Harvard, hubungannya dengan Allen tetap dekat. Bill dikenal sebagai seorang jenius di Harvard. Bahkan salah seorang guru Bill mengatakan bahwa Bill adalah programer yang luar biasa jenius, namun juga seorang manusia yang menyebalkan.

Desember 1974, saat hendak mengunjungi Bill Gates, Paul Allen membaca artikel majalah Popular Electronics dengan judul "World`s First Microcomputer Kit to Rival Commercial Models". Artikel ini memuat tentang komputer mikro pertama Altair 9090. Allen kemudian berdiskusi dengan Bill Gates. Mereka menyadari bahwa era "komputer rumah" akan segera hadir dan meledak, membuat keberadaan software untuk komputer - komputer tersebut sangat dibutuhkan. Dan ini merupakan kesempatan besar bagi mereka.

Kemudian dalam beberapa hari, Gates menghubungi perusahaan pembuat Altair, MITS (Micro Instrumentation and Telemetry Systems). Dia mengatakan bahwa dia dan Allen telah membuat BASIC yang dapat digunakan pada Altair. Tentu saja ini adalah bohong. Bahkan mereka sama sekali belum menulis satu baris kode pun. MITS, yang tidak mengetahui hal ini, sangat tertarik pada BASIC. Dalam waktu 8 minggu BASIC telah siap. Allen menuju MITS untuk mempresentasikan BASIC. Dan walaupun, ini adalah kali pertama bagi Allen dalam mengoperasikan Altair, ternyata BASIC dapat bekerja dengan sempurna. Setahun kemudian Bill Gates meninggalkan Harvard dan mendirikan Microsoft.

Bill Gates Meninggalkan Harvard Demi Mengejar Impian

Ketika ia bosan dengan Harvard, Gates melamar pekerjaan-pekerjaan yang berhubungan dengan komputer di daerah Boston. Gates mendorong Paul Allen untuk mencoba melamar sebagai pembuat program di Honey-well agar keduanya dapat melanjutkan impian mereka untuk mendirikan sebuah perusahaan perangkat lunak.

Pada suatu hari di bulan Desember yang beku, Paul Allen melihat sampul depan majalah Popular Mechanics, terbitan Januari 1975, yaitu gambar komputer mikro rakitan baru yang revolusioner MITS Altair 8080 (komputer kecil ini menjadi cikal bakal PC di kemudian hari). Kemudian Allen menemui Gates dan membujuknya bahwa mereka harus mengembangkan sebuah bahasa untuk mesin kecil sederhana itu. Allen terus-menerus mengatakan, “Yuk kita dirikan sebuah perusahaan. Yuk kita lakukan”. Saat itulah mereka menemukan jalan hidup mereka.

Kedua sahabat itu bergegas ke sebuah komputer Harvard untuk menulis sebuah adaptasi dari program bahasa BASIC. Gates dan Allen percaya bahwa komputer kecil itu dapat melakukan keajaiban. Dari sana pula mereka mempunyai mimpi, tersedianya sebuah komputer di setiap meja tulis dan di setiap rumah tangga.

Semangat Allen dan Gates tidak percuma, dan dari sana mereka mendirikan perusahaan Microsoft. Berawal dari komputer kecil itulah yang menjadi model dari segala macam komputasi. Dan sekarang bisa Anda lihat bahwa Microsoft telah benar-benar menjadi bagian dari kebutuhan komputasi di seluruh dunia. Dan hampir setiap orang mengenal Bill Gates sebagai orang terkaya di dunia saat ini.

"Orang yang sukses adalah orang yang memiliki mimpi dan keyakinan bahwa mimpi itu akan dapat terjadi berapapun harga yang harus ia bayar¦" (^_^)


Friday, November 14, 2008

Posted by giel at 9:33 PM 0 comments

Ketika robot kerap kali mendatangkan pertentangan di negara Barat, karena adanya kemungkinan mereka dapat menggantikan manusia di masa depan atau akan mengakibatkan emosi palsu, masyarakat Jepang secara umum malah memperlihatkan antusiasme tinggi terhadap segala jenis robot. Beberapa manga dan anime seperti astroboy mungkin memiliki konstribusi paling penting dalam pembentukan perspektif positif masyarakat Jepang terhadap robot.

Cikal bakal robot di Jepang telah ada sejak zaman Edo[1603-1867] yaitu sebuah boneka mekanik yang dikenal sebagai Karakuri Ningyo. Robot mulai benar-benar dikembangkan di Jepang sejak tahun 1973,oleh Professor Ichiro Kato dari universitas Waseda.


Asimo adalah robot humanoid yang diciptakan oleh Honda Motor Company. Tingginya 130 cm dengan berat 54 kg. Menyerupai astronot kecil yang membawa backpack dan bisa berjalan di atas dua kaki dengan kecepetan 6km/jam. Secara resmi, nama Asimo merupakan akronim dari advance Step in Innovative Mobility. Menurut pernyataan resmi Honda pemberian nama tersebut tidak ada hubungannya dengan nama penulis science fiction dana penemu Three Laws of Robotics, Isaac Asimov.

Selama 2007,telah ada 46 unit Asimo. Per unitnya dibuat dana mendekati satu juta US dolar, dan beberapa unit bisa disewa dengan biaya 166.000 US dolar per tahun. Asimo bisa memberi respon bila namanya dipanggil, menatap wajah seorang yang sedang mengajaknya bicara dan mengenali secara cepat bunyi benda jatuh atau benturan dan menghadap kearah asal suara. Asimo dapat mengenali wajah seseorang, meskipun ia atau orang tersebut sedang bergerak. Asimo dapat mengenali kira-kira 10 orang yang namanya sudah didaftarkan dan dapat memberikan salam kepada pengunjung yang datang dan memberi informasi atas kedatangan seseorang dengan mentransmisikan pesan dan foto pengunjung serta dapat membimbing pengunjung ke tempat yang telah ditentukan.


Actroid adalah robot humanoid dengan tampilan menyerupai manusia yang sesungguhnya dikembangkan oleh universitas Osaka dan diproduksi oleh Kokoro Company Ltd.[disvisi animatorik Sanrio] Diperkenalkan pertama kali pada International Robot Exposition tahun 2003 di Tokyo,Jepang.

Banyak produk dengan versi yang berbeda diciptakan setelahnya. Biasanya robot ini dibuat sedemikian rupa sehingga mirip dengan wanita muda keturunan Jepang. Actrod adalah contoh pelopor untuk mesin nyata yang mirip android atau gynoid dalam fiksi ilmiah. Actroid mampu berekspresi seperti mengedipkan mata, berbicara,dan bernafas. Kulit Actroid terbuat dari silicon dan tampak menyerupai kulit manusia asli. Sebanyak 47 sensor penggerak dipasangkan di bagian tubuh atas Actroid sehingga mampu bereaksi secara alami seperti manusia.

Sistem pengindraan Actroid sensor penggerak mampu membuatnya bereaksi cukup cepat untuk melakukan atau menangkis tinju. Namun sejauh ini pergerakan tubuh bagian bawah masih terbatas. Actroid bisa disewa bersama kostumnya untuk memberi salam pada tamu kafe, pusat informasi, kompleks, perusahaan, ataupun museum, dengan biaya 400.000 yen untuk 5 hari termasuk biaya koreografi.

Q-Rio atau Quest for curiosity adalah nama yang diberikan oleh Sony Dream Robot[SDR] pada robot humanoid yang diluncurkan oleh Sony untuk mengikuti kesuksesan pendahulunya, AIBO. Q-Rio memiliki tinggi sekitar 0,6 meter dengan berate sekitar 7,3 kilogramQ-RIO mampu mengenali wajah dan suara untuk mengingat seseorang.

Sebuah video dalam situs resmi Q-RIO memperlihatkan robot itu sedang berinteraksi dengan anak-anak, Q-RIO bisa berlari dengan kecepatan 23cm/detik AIBO AIBO atau Artificial Intelligence Robot adalah salah satu dari beberapa jenis hewan robotic yang dirancang dan dibuat oleh Sony tahun 1999. Mampu untuk berjalan, mengenali lingkungan sekitarnya dan mengenali perintah dengan menginstall software khusus yang bernama AIBO software, AIBO memiliki kemapuan untuk ‘berkembang’ dari tahapan anak anjing sampai anjing dewasa yang dapat mengenali 100 perintah suara. Tanpa AIBO ware, AIBO hanya bisa menjalankan clinicmode dan hanya bisa melakukan gerakan sederhana.
sumber info dan foto :

Dell Introduced the Inspiron Mini 12 Netbook

Posted by giel at 9:09 PM 0 comments

Dell officially introduced the Inspiron Mini 12. Current standard features on the Inspiron Mini 12 include a 1.3GHz Intel Atom Z520 or a 1.6GHz Intel Atom Z530 processor, 1GB of RAM, 60GB or 80GB hard disk drive, a sharp 12.1-inch WXGA (1280x800 resolution) display, built-in Bluetooth and 802.11b/g wireless, 3x USB ports, VGA out, 3-in-1 card reader, and a built-in 1.3MP webcam. Weights vary depending on configuration and manufacturing variability. Mini 12 thinness range from 0.92-1.09 in. and starting weight of only 2.72 lbs.

The Inspiron Mini 12 is available initially only in Japan through Bic Camera, Kojima and Sofmap stores and other retail outlets. It will launch online globally by late November with configurations starting under $600. Models with Ubuntu and Windows XP operating systems preinstalled will also be available before the end of the this year.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

9 Ways to Fix Notebook

Posted by giel at 10:21 PM 0 comments
Solution: Overheating can rob your notebook of performance and often cause a host of hiccups, such as system crashes and freezing. Every computer generates lots of heat, but notebooks are especially susceptible to overheating due to their small size and lack of ventilation. Excessive dust can clog air vents and deprive your system of cold air to cool off the processor. You can often solve overheating issues simply by cleaning out these air vents with a cloth or keyboard cleaner.

To prevent further dust buildup, place a piece of filtered cloth, say from a Swiffer, over the inhalation vent. Don't place one over the exhaust vent, as that's where hot air is supposed to flow out of the system quickly. If the cloth doesn't work, you may want to update your system's BIOS, which controls the notebook's hardware.

Symptom: Slow Hard Drive

Solution: Disorganized information on your hard drive can sap performance because the computer requires more time to sift through data fragments and bad sectors on the drive. This problem can be cleared up easily using the built-in Windows tool called Disk Defragmenter or relevant Linux/MacOS tools.

Symptom: Battery Won't Hold a Charge

Solution: Over their lifespans, lithium-ion batteries can lose the ability to hold a charge. After a few years, some batteries will last only a fraction of the rated runtime. Replacing a battery is relatively simple; most pop out from the bottom or back of the notebook.

Many retailers, however, charge hundreds of dollars for a new battery. Sites specialized in discount notebook batteries can save you money on a brand new battery for your notebook. For example, a Dell Latitude D620 Li-ion battery costs $139 on Dell's Web site and $83.99 on site specialized in discount notebook batteries, as of press time.

Symptom: Notebook Needs More Memory

Solution: If your notebook takes a long time to boot up, you may want to conduct an audit of your startup programs. To do this, place your cursor over the icons in the taskbar at the bottom right of the screen. If you rarely use any of these programs, right-click and disable them. To take more control over what programs load when you boot up, download and run a startup manager and optimizer like Autoruns.

Should you need to purchase a new memory chip, Kingston and Crucial offer tools on their web sites for determining which products are compatible with your notebook. Windows Vista users can use the new Memory Diagnostics tool in Windows Vista, just type "memory" into the search bar, and the OS will scan your physical memory for problems and advise replacement, if necessary.

Vista users might also want to pick up a ReadyBoost-enabled USB drive from the likes of Corsair, Kingston, Lexar, or SanDisk. These devices can improve some programs' startup times by using free space on the USB drive as a temporary memory cache.

Symptom: Hard Drive Failure

Solution: A hard drive failure will bring your notebook to its knees. Fortunately, a number of tools can test your drive for problems. Hitachi offers some in the support section of its Web site. If hard drive replacement becomes necessary, be sure to back up as much data as possible and then switch out the hard drive. You can find step-by-step directions for the replacement procedure on most manufacturers' support sites.

Symptom: Bad Keyboard

Solution: Keyboards get the brunt of abuse on any notebook, either from typing or spilled coffee. As a result, keys can often become dislodged or worn out. Thankfully, notebook makers provide quick online guides for replacing keyboards on their support pages; simply type "keyboard replacement" into the search bar or check the manufacturer's knowledge base.

For instance, Toshiba's "Ask Iris" document database provides hardware-replacement guides. To remove the old keyboard, you'll typically just have to remove some screws from the bottom of the notebook and unlock the keyboard with a button or snap mechanism, which secures it to the frame. Replacement keyboards are usually covered under warranty or can be purchased relatively cheaply. Dell, for example, sells them for $15 to $25. The company also offers plastic keyboard protectors for $10 to $15 on its Web site.

Symptom: Stuck Pixels

Solution: Nonconforming or stuck pixels can be a nuisance on an otherwise functional notebook LCD. The pixels usually remain green or red without lighting up properly with the other pixels on the display. Unfortunately, manufacturers will not replace an LCD for just one or two stuck pixels; in fact, some require as many as 10 to 18 dead pixels before they'll take action.

There is a solution, though. Take a soft material, like a felt cloth, and gently rub in a circular motion around the stuck pixel. Performing this trick will usually get the pixel to light up properly. Once you find the right location and pressure to illuminate the pixel, hold your finger there for up to two minutes, and voila, no more stuck pixel.

Symptom: Virus or Spyware Infestation

Solution: Nothing can cripple your system like malware. If you don't want to spend any money, you can bolster your defenses with free tools like Ad-Aware and Spybot: Search and Destroy. While both are excellent tools, each has its own strengths and weaknesses - Spybot is better at tracking down malicious code like pop-ups, while Ad-Aware does a better job removing cookies (text files that advertisers copy to a user's computer to track surfing habits). We recommend scheduling periodic scans with both of these tools, just to be safe.

Symptom: Outdated Video Drivers

Solution: Video issues are a common complaint among notebook users. The trouble often stems from newer games and software that require the latest video card drivers to work. Even though most notebooks ship with the latest driver files, some systems will be outdated by the time the machine is sold. That's why it's critical to update your video card's drivers frequently - sometimes the audio and network drivers may need to be updated as well.

Many notebook manufacturers offer installation packs that will give you the latest drivers and offer automated tools to update the rest of your notebook. However, if you fail to find drivers at your notebook manufacturer's site, you can try the video card's manufacturer, usually ATI or Nvidia. If your system comes with an integrated graphics chip from Intel, your best bet is the notebook manufacturer's Web site, although you can also try Intel's support and downloads page.

HP Expanded the Mini Note 1000 Netbook Line

Posted by giel at 10:15 PM 0 comments

Following the success of its education-focused mini PC introduced in April, HP expanded the HP Mini family with three models of a new HP Mini 1000 line.

These companion PCs provide a simplified Internet experience in a sleek, ultra-portable design. Each is less than 1-inch thick, weighs a little more than 2 pounds and has a keyboard that is 92% the size of a standard notebook PC keyboard.

HP offers the Mini 1000 in various configuration choices that include Intel Atom N270 1.6GHz processor, a 8.9-inch or 10.2-inch diagonal BrightView display with flush glass and LED backlight (both displays have 1024x600 resolution) as well as the option to choose between a 8GB/16GB SSD or 60GB 4200rpm HDD, built-in webcam and microphone.

The three models are as follows:

* The HP Mini 1000 features a piano-black finish with HP Imprint swirl design is pre-installed with Windows XP Home, making access to the web, critical files and PC applications easily portable. It includes an Ethernet jack, two USB ports, and Wi-Fi and Bluetooth wireless capabilities. Versions with 3G capabilities are expected to be available in December.

* The HP Mini 1000 Vivienne Tam Edition comes in vibrant red with a peony-flower inspired design that reflects the globally acclaimed fashion designer’s Spring 2009 collection. It seeks to satisfy the highly mobile, Internet-centric fashionista and features a 10.2-inch diagonal BrightView display. Its design was first unveiled on the runway of Tam’s Fall 2009 Fashion Week show in Battery Park in New York, although many on the scene mistook it for a purse rather than the companion PC that it is. The Vivienne Tam Edition companion PC runs Windows XP Home. It includes an Ethernet jack, two USB ports, and Wi-Fi and Bluetooth wireless capabilities. Versions with 3G capabilities are expected to be available in December.

* The HP Mini 1000 with MIE (Mobile Internet Experience) is a uniquely simple, mobile Internet companion. The HP Mini 1000 with MIE runs the Linux operating system. It includes an Ethernet jack, two USB ports, and Wi-Fi and Bluetooth wireless capabilities.

The HP Mini Mobile Drive gives HP Mini 1000 customers 2, 4 or 8 gigabytes of additional storage, making it simple to transport and retrieve important files, photos, music and other data. It sits flush against the HP Mini, maintaining the sleek design.

An optional six-cell lithium-polymer battery is planned to be available in January.

The HP Mini 1000 is available today in the United States at with a starting price of $399. The HP Mini 1000 Vivienne Tam Edition is expected to be available in the United States in mid-December via and at Tam’s designer boutique in New York City. It is expected to be priced at $699. The HP Mini 1000 with MIE is expected to be available in the United States in January, 2009 via with a starting price of $379.

Customers can reserve an HP Mini 1000 with MIE or an HP Mini 1000 Vivienne Tam Edition by calling +1 800 230 5752 or by visiting More information about the HP Mini 1000 portfolio is available at

Four Tips For Better Notebook Battery Life

Posted by giel at 10:11 PM 0 comments
No matter how long your laptop runs on battery power now, you’d probably like to extend that runtime. Here are four key tips we gleaned from our notebook guru.

- Condition the battery

When you purchase your notebook, charge the battery to 100 percent, discharge it completely, and then fully charge it to 100 percent again to help the battery remember exactly how much electrical charge it can hold. From then on, you’ll never need to completely discharge the battery again, but always make sure when charging it that you let it reach 100 percent. Our guru told us to remember to plug in the AC adapter or dock/port replicator whenever you get a chance. Most notebooks will recharge quickly. Here is another tip for your batteries: Keep them cool. Exposure to high temperatures can be a battery’s worst enemy

- Power down the display

You can often yield up to ten minutes of battery life per level of brightness lowered. Lowering the brightness may give you as much as an extra hour of runtime. In addition, lowering the screen resolution and color depth decreases the workload on the GPU, thus extending the battery runtime. Disabling extra features like ClearType fonts and fade effects will cut down on the CPU’s power consumption.

- Turn off unused devices

Many new notebooks provide a hard-wired On/Off switch for the Wi-Fi radio. Beyond that, you should disable the Ethernet adapter, infrared transceiver, and Bluetooth radio if your notebook has one. It was designed for mobile devices, but having Bluetooth enabled actually consumes quite a bit of power.

- Decrease hard drive activity

To minimize the frequency with which your hard disk has to spin up to access data, our notebook guru recommended defragmenting your hard drive regularly. This optimizes the placement of data on the drive so that it can be found more quickly. Beyond that, he advised optimizing Windows paging file, which is an area of the hard drive that serves as virtual memory whenever your RAM is full. Set both the initial and maximum paging file size to 1.5 times the capacity of the installed memory.

A.W. $urveys

Posted by giel at 7:55 PM 0 comments
Yang bersedia meluangkan waktu buat ngenet, plus yang mau dapet dolar gratisan...???
ya monggo saja. Tinggal di untuk click disini untuk regristrasi. Gratris pula.....


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